43 x 55
Framed canvas

My daddy was a Southern Baptist preacher, so I knew pretty early there was something wrong with me. I knew by the time I was 9, I was going straight to hell. I didn’t like the rules, and I couldn’t follow them with a sound mind. These people were crazy! I loved being outside with the grass, snakes, trees, sky, rocks, and especially what was under those rocks, the creepy crawly slithery things.

My sister died in a car wreck when I was 9 years old. I went outside to cry, and a bird landed on my shoulder. After that, I knew I was weird. Wild animals felt safe with me. I had some vivid fears as a child. This painting represents some of those fears. I collected bark from fallen trees for the frame. The baby in the bowl with the devil’s horns is me.

Original Sketch